Geneviève Asse

Musée Soulages - Rodez

from january 24 to may 18, 2025


In early 2025, the work of this Vannes-born painter and engraver will be featured in the museum dedicated to the work of the master of outrenoir. She, too, is known for her monochromes, but unlike Pierre Soulages, it is the color blue that she honors.In early 2025, the work of this Vannes-born painter and engraver will be featured in the museum dedicated to the work of the master of outrenoir. She, too, is known for her monochromes, but unlike Pierre Soulages, it is the color blue that she honors.


Geneviève Asse (1923-2021) is a painter of silence: no bass drum rolls, but a universe composed of blues and incidental light, brushed in grapes or solids. Bleu Asse is elusive, difficult to classify in a color chart. The canvas diffuses light.


Inside my painting, I think there's a kind of framework. A secret architecture that's inside. And the paint covers, covers that too,” said Geneviève Asse to Rainer Michael Mason in 1977.


Entitled "Le bleu prend tout ce qui passe", the next exhibition at the Musée Aveyronnais focuses on the work of painter Geneviève Asse, bringing together some 70 paintings, prints and drawings.



geneviève Asse, Le bleu prend tout ce qui passe

Opening hours:
  • Tuesday: 10am-1pm and 2pm-6pm
  • Wednesday: 10am-1pm and 2pm-6pm
  • Thursday: 10am-1pm and 2pm-6pm
  • Friday: 10am-1pm and 2pm-6pm
  • Saturday: 10am-6pm
  • Sunday: 10am-6pm



Musée Soulages - Rodez

Jardin du Foirail - Avenue Victor Hugo - 12000 Rodez

Tél : 05 65 73 82 60

Courriel :

January 24 > May 18, 2025
of 70