Everything is fine Mr. Matisse

Musée Matisse - Cateau-Cambrésis

JULY 01, 2020 TO JANUARY 17, 2021



Is Matisse still a source of inspiration for his peers?

The exhibition answers these questions.

Eight contemporary artists dialogue within the museum between inside and outside: 150 colorful, humorous and poetic works by Ben, Marco Del Re, Erró, the couple KRM, Patrick Montagnac and Rania Werda are gathered in this exhibition.

The exhibition continues in the open air in the Fénelon park with sculptures laid out like paper cuts by Frédéric Bouffandeau and photographs by KRM.
Meet today's talents, between the impertinence and accuracy of Ben's white writing on a black background, between the pop and baroque works of Erró's Figuration Narrative.
Travel with Marco Del Re's work through different eras where classical tradition and modern painting meet.
On the southern shore of the Mediterranean, the couple KRM share their experience of the desert, through works impregnated with textiles, colors, cultural and artistic codes of the Sahrawi nomadic society.
While the bodies, objects, unusual landscapes, kitsch, and provocative Rania Werda are presented to the viewer as a cry for identity that resonates as an echo of the social imagination.
With aestheticism and poetry, Patrick Montagnac proposes to take the height with his vision of plane pilot used in his paintings, to reveal on his canvas, the natural erosion of mountainous reliefs.

11 June 2020
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