Collectif - Petits formats 2017-2018 - Oniris


As at the end of each year, between December and January, the Oniris gallery gives pride of place to Small Formats and Works on Paper. This is an opportunity to re/discover a panorama of the artistic richness of the gallery's artists.

On this occasion, the exhibition Small Formats and Works on Paper is displayed in the main space and in the annex of the gallery. These two spaces allow visitors to enter the two universes of the gallery, with the artists of the "painting" group: Geneviève Asse, Pierre Antoniucci, Jean-Michel Alberola, Christian Bonnefoi, Alain Clément, Philippe Cognée, François Dilasser, Didier Mencoboni, Guillaume Moschini, Jean-Pierre Pincemin, Bruno Rousselot, Claude Viallat, Frédric Bouffandeau. And the world of "abstract geometry" with works by Ode Bertrand, Julije Knifer, Aurelie Nemours, Véra Molnar, François Morellet, Olivier Petiteau, Yves Popet, Marine Provost and Carole Rivalin.

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