Ode Bertrand - Travaux en noir et blanc - automne 2018 - Oniris


For the second time at the gallery, the Oniris Gallery is exhibiting works by Ode Bertrand, who for the past fifty years has devoted his work to geometric abstraction and the formal purification that results from it.

"I knew right away that it was the line that interested me, as well as the rhythm. In saying this, I am removing from my preoccupations the subject in the traditional sense of the term. Like some concrete artists, I did not experience a figurative experience that gradually became radicalized to the point of total abstraction. I chose the path of this abstraction from the start. »

Although seemingly simple, Ode Bertrand's work is complex because it is based on subtle relationships and a skilful balance between the elements. Within the works there is a tension between two competing states: order and chaos. Order is predominant in the construction of form but there is always an event, a point, which alters the pure balance.

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