
French painter Ode Bertrand was born in Paris in 1930
She lives and works in Paris
She has been exhibiting at the Oniris gallery since 2006

Still painting in oil, Ode Bertrand has devoted himself for more than forty years to the art of line in a radical way. She says she does not appreciate pure colour and material effects, but prefers line, rhythm and form.

I am completely sensitive to the line. A line is so beautiful, there is no matter, and at the same time it attracts light. There is a deflagration of the line on the white.

Geometrical abstraction and the trend of concrete art came to Ode Bertrand without detour, because many artists proposing these concepts have often, at first, worked on figuration, contrary to it.

Thus developing his own language, and for more than 40 years now, still painting with oil, Ode Bertrand is mainly interested in black and white. She is mainly interested in line. Systematically tracing on her supports a grid of straight lines on a white surface, she then applies black to the graphic function that she believes allows her to structure space. The rigour of her work remains the same.


A student and assistant of Aurelie Nemours and thus nourished by her example, Ode Bertrand has retained from the artist an uncompromising rigour in the making of the canvas and the formal purification that results from it.


According to Fernand Fournier in the book "Les chants croisés de l'ordre et du chaos" published in 2005, Ode Bertrand's works belong to the most rigorous trend of abstraction, his art is nourished by the violence of chromatic and formal antagonisms which, because of their very radical nature, deserve to be questioned.


2024 : Ode Bertand et Cécile Bart & la collection Albers-Honegger, Mouans-Sartoux

2019 : Travaux en Noir & Blanc, exposition personnelle, galerie Oniris, Rennes

2012 : Modulation, exposition personnelle, galerie Oniris, Rennes

2010 : Géométrie et Couleurs, Musée de Sens

2006 : Horizontales Verticales Seules, Musée Tavet-Delatour, Pontoise
Reliures Construites, Musée Matisse, Cateau Cambrésis
Exposition à la galerie Oniris, Rennes
Chemins divergents, Arsenal, Metz

2004 : L’abstraction géométrique vécue, Musée Municipal, Cambrai

2003 : Atelier-Édition Fanal, Bâle, Suisse

1997 : Art construit/art concret, Musée des Ursulines, Mâcon

1990 et 1994 : Wilhem-Hack-Museum, Ludwigshafen, Allemagne


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