
French painter Claude Viallat was born in 1936 in Nîmes where he lives and works

He has been exhibiting at the Oniris gallery since 1990

The colours bring to life "the" shape of Claude Viallat, which has become his signature and an immediate sign of recognition. Since the 1970s, it has been at the centre of each creation, and is part of an alternation of shapes with suggested contours and full forms, applied to supports impregnated with the vagaries of time and places they have encountered. This formal repetition opens the doors to an infinite exploration of the possibilities that colour and the materials used can offer.

... what matters is the way in which the colours play with the colours underneath, how in an intuitive and unintended, unplanned way, I manage to organize a surface in density, in intensity.

Born in 1936, Claude Viallat is one of the founders of Supports-Surfaces, an artistic avant-garde movement that emerged in the early 1970s. This ephemeral movement challenged traditional pictorial means. Bringing together Vincent Bioulès, Louis Cane, Daniel Dezeuze, Jean-Pierre Pincemin and Noël Dolla, among others, this movement, which was both theoretical and political, called for a renewal of art by questioning traditional materials such as canvas and stretchers.


Viallat thus began to work on industrial tarpaulins, free of all frames, on which he repeated the same abstract form over and over again. This "shape", which can evoke in turn an ossicle or a hand, has over time become his signature. Repeated with stencils, in a variety of colours and on various supports (upholstery, carpets, recycled materials), this motif, which annihilates the notion of "subject", allows Claude Viallat to reflect on the meaning of the creative gesture and the status of "work of art".


It is crouched, on a support that is spread out on the floor, that Claude Viallat poses his brilliant acrylic paintings. He draws his inspiration and working posture from the early and often non-Western arts. The artist, more attached to the process that form generates than to the form itself, has maintained this unique system for five decades of painting.


His obstinacy is also evident in the fact that he persists, even today, in pursuing this search for complexity in abstraction in an infinite game, while others have long since given up.


2019: Claude Viallat, Libérer la couleur, Venet Foundation, Le Muy, France

2017 : Painting as far as the eye can see, Casa França - Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

2016 : Oniris Gallery in Rennes, solo exhibition of recent works

2015: Nantes Museum of Fine Arts

2014: Fabre Museum, Montpelier
Location Kunst, Bochum, Germany
Ludwig Museum, Koblenz, Germany
Kunsthalle, Rostock, Germany

2013: Centre d'art contemporain de la Matmut, Saint-Pierre-de-Varengeville

2012 : Museum of Modern and Contemporary Arts of Nice

2011 : Pont du Gard, Dezeuze - Seytour - Viallat

2009: Brest Museum of Fine Arts

2008: Pentecostal Feria 2008

2006: Museum of the city of Le Perthus
Museum of the city of Colmar
Pont du Gard
Castle of Villeneuve, Vence

2005: Matisse Museum, le Cateau-Cambrésis

2002 : Art in the Chapels, Morbihan

1997: Fabre Museum, Montpellier

1996: École National Supérieure des Beaux-arts, Paris

1993: Museum of Modern Art, Céret
Musée National d'Art Moderne Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris

1991: National Museum of Modern Art Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris

1989: Museum of Modern Art, Céret

1983: Kunsthalle Düsseldorf, Germany

1982: National Museum of Modern Art Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris

1968: Museum of Modern Art, Céret

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