French painter Claude Viallat was born in 1936 in Nîmes where he lives and works
He has been exhibiting at the Oniris gallery since 1990
The colours bring to life "the" shape of Claude Viallat, which has become his signature and an immediate sign of recognition. Since the 1970s, it has been at the centre of each creation, and is part of an alternation of shapes with suggested contours and full forms, applied to supports impregnated with the vagaries of time and places they have encountered. This formal repetition opens the doors to an infinite exploration of the possibilities that colour and the materials used can offer.
... what matters is the way in which the colours play with the colours underneath, how in an intuitive and unintended, unplanned way, I manage to organize a surface in density, in intensity.
Born in 1936, Claude Viallat is one of the founders of Supports-Surfaces, an artistic avant-garde movement that emerged in the early 1970s. This ephemeral movement challenged traditional pictorial means. Bringing together Vincent Bioulès, Louis Cane, Daniel Dezeuze, Jean-Pierre Pincemin and Noël Dolla, among others, this movement, which was both theoretical and political, called for a renewal of art by questioning traditional materials such as canvas and stretchers.
Viallat thus began to work on industrial tarpaulins, free of all frames, on which he repeated the same abstract form over and over again. This "shape", which can evoke in turn an ossicle or a hand, has over time become his signature. Repeated with stencils, in a variety of colours and on various supports (upholstery, carpets, recycled materials), this motif, which annihilates the notion of "subject", allows Claude Viallat to reflect on the meaning of the creative gesture and the status of "work of art".
It is crouched, on a support that is spread out on the floor, that Claude Viallat poses his brilliant acrylic paintings. He draws his inspiration and working posture from the early and often non-Western arts. The artist, more attached to the process that form generates than to the form itself, has maintained this unique system for five decades of painting.
His obstinacy is also evident in the fact that he persists, even today, in pursuing this search for complexity in abstraction in an infinite game, while others have long since given up.
2019: Claude Viallat, Libérer la couleur, Venet Foundation, Le Muy, France
2017 : Painting as far as the eye can see, Casa França - Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
2016 : Oniris Gallery in Rennes, solo exhibition of recent works
2015: Nantes Museum of Fine Arts
2014: Fabre Museum, Montpelier
Location Kunst, Bochum, Germany
Ludwig Museum, Koblenz, Germany
Kunsthalle, Rostock, Germany
2013: Centre d'art contemporain de la Matmut, Saint-Pierre-de-Varengeville
2012 : Museum of Modern and Contemporary Arts of Nice
2011 : Pont du Gard, Dezeuze - Seytour - Viallat
2009: Brest Museum of Fine Arts
2008: Pentecostal Feria 2008
2006: Museum of the city of Le Perthus
Museum of the city of Colmar
Pont du Gard
Castle of Villeneuve, Vence
2005: Matisse Museum, le Cateau-Cambrésis
2002 : Art in the Chapels, Morbihan
1997: Fabre Museum, Montpellier
1996: École National Supérieure des Beaux-arts, Paris
1993: Museum of Modern Art, Céret
Musée National d'Art Moderne Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris
1991: National Museum of Modern Art Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris
1989: Museum of Modern Art, Céret
1983: Kunsthalle Düsseldorf, Germany
1982: National Museum of Modern Art Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris
1968: Museum of Modern Art, Céret
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Der stoff der malerei. Grounds for paintings , 2019Claude VIALLAT, Der stoff der malerei. Grounds for paintings , 2019€ 20.00
Une rétrospective, 2014Claude VIALLAT, Une rétrospective, 2014€ 150.00
Sans titre, 2013Claude VIALLAT, Sans titre, 2013€ 1,400.00
Sans titre , 2013Claude VIALLAT, Sans titre , 2013€ 1,400.00
Filet , 2012Claude VIALLAT, Filet , 2012€ 700.00
Sans titre, 2009Claude VIALLAT, Sans titre, 2009€ 500.00
20 ans du Musée taurin, 2008Claude VIALLAT, 20 ans du Musée taurin, 2008€ 430.00
Foulard féria 2008 Nîmes, 2008Claude VIALLAT, Foulard féria 2008 Nîmes, 2008€ 120.00
Tauromachie noire, 2008Claude VIALLAT, Tauromachie noire, 2008€ 250.00
Tondo vert, 2008Claude VIALLAT, Tondo vert, 2008€ 850.00
Vacances Bleues : bleu, 2008Claude VIALLAT, Vacances Bleues : bleu, 2008€ 2,200.00
Vacances Bleues : orange, 2008Claude VIALLAT, Vacances Bleues : orange, 2008€ 2,200.00
Vacances Bleues : rouge, 2008Claude VIALLAT, Vacances Bleues : rouge, 2008€ 2,200.00
Vacances Bleues : vert, 2008Claude VIALLAT, Vacances Bleues : vert, 2008€ 2,200.00
Sans titre, 2007Claude VIALLAT, Sans titre, 2007€ 1,400.00
Sans titre, 2007Claude VIALLAT, Sans titre, 2007€ 1,400.00
Noir & Blanc/Blanco y Negro, 2006Claude VIALLAT, Noir & Blanc/Blanco y Negro, 2006€ 150.00
Sans titre , 2006Claude VIALLAT, Sans titre , 2006€ 1,400.00
L'originaire éclate, 2005Claude VIALLAT, L'originaire éclate, 2005€ 2,200.00
Le Vent de la Parole, 2004Claude VIALLAT, Le Vent de la Parole, 2004€ 500.00
Sans titre, 2004Claude VIALLAT, Sans titre, 2004€ 1,000.00
Carte, 2003Claude VIALLAT, Carte, 2003€ 250.00
Lundi Noir de Juillet, 2003Claude VIALLAT, Lundi Noir de Juillet, 2003€ 480.00
Aubais, 2002Claude VIALLAT, Aubais, 2002€ 450.00
Sans titre, 2002Claude VIALLAT, Sans titre, 2002€ 1,400.00
Sans titre, 2002Claude VIALLAT, Sans titre, 2002€ 500.00
Sans titre , 2002Claude VIALLAT, Sans titre , 2002€ 1,400.00
Suertes, 2001Claude VIALLAT, Suertes, 2001€ 30.00
Suertes, 2001Claude VIALLAT, Suertes, 2001€ 500.00
Sans titre, 1999Claude VIALLAT, Sans titre, 1999€ 1,200.00
Sans titre, 1999Claude VIALLAT, Sans titre, 1999€ 1,200.00
Razets, 1995Claude VIALLAT, Razets, 1995€ 250.00
Sans titre - Contre forme, Versions VI à X , 1992Claude VIALLAT, Sans titre - Contre forme, Versions VI à X , 1992€ 1,300.00
Triangle, Versions I à V, 1992Claude VIALLAT, Triangle, Versions I à V, 1992€ 1,500.00
Triangle, Versions VI à X, 1992Claude VIALLAT, Triangle, Versions VI à X, 1992€ 1,500.00
Small formats 2024-2025
and works on paper by the gallery's artists 30 November 2024 - 11 January 2025Every year-end the Oniris gallery hosts its traditional exhibition of Petits Formats and Oeuvres sur Papier with a new selection of work by the gallery's artists
.A group show to be discovered at the renovated gallery, from Saturday November 30, 2024 to Saturday January 11, 2025
Claude Viallat
recent paintings 5 May - 17 June 2023 Galerie 1, Galerie 2Claude Viallat is exhibiting a selection of recent paintings in the two exhibition spaces of the Oniris gallery, from May 05 to June 17, 2023Read more -
Oniris - 35 years
Special anniversary exhibition 12 June - 25 September 2021 Galerie 1, Galerie 2Opened in 1986, the Oniris Gallery is pleased to invite you to celebrate its 35th anniversary with an exhibition event during the summer of 2021.Read more
Whether it is a celebration or a family event, it is above all an opportunity to bring together the artists, collectors and enthusiasts who have followed the Oniris gallery project in its successive evolutions for over three decades. -
Claude Viallat
solo exhibition - 30 years with Oniris 27 June - 19 September 2020 Galerie 1The summer 2020 exhibition celebrates 30 years of collaboration between Claude Viallat and the Oniris gallery. Claude Viallat's paintings have been regularly exhibited in Rennes on the occasion of a dozen solo exhibitions at the gallery but also during our participation in contemporary art fairs in France and abroad over the past three decades.Read more -
Recent works 27 May - 17 September 2016 Galerie 1Made famous by his works consisting of coloured prints, a form of sponge or horned bean arranged systematically on a wide variety of supports such as tarpaulins, tents, screens, parasols...Read more
Claude Viallat, et pourtant si...
Carré d'Art in Nîmes OCTOBER 27, 2023 - MARCH 03, 2024For the first time, Claude Viallat's hometown, where he has lived and worked for over 40 years, presents a large selection of his recent works, taking over the entire space of Carré d'art. Drawing on the nearby crucible of his Nîmes studio, the exhibition will showcase the generosity of Viallat's "numerous and spiraling" oeuvre, as the artist himself describes it.Read more -
La répétition
Centre Pompidou in Metz Feb. 4, 2023 > Jan. 27, 2025The exhibition "La Répétition" at the Centre Pompidou-Metz aims to show how, for many artists of the 20th and 21st centuries, creation is born of repetition, through multiplication, accumulation, repetition or restart. It challenges the simplistic idea that modernity would be characterized only by invention and exception. She makes visible the permanence in the heart of our time of a very old way of creating images and objects, often utilitarian or decorative, of which testifies here a Gallo-Roman stele which presents three almost identical female figures. Forming a loop without beginning or end, the exhibition, composed of works essentially from the collections of the Musée national d'art moderne - Centre Pompidou, invites visitors to wander freely through the multiple phenomena of repetition.Read more -
3 more years!
for helping French companies purchase works by living artists Till 31 dec. 2025L’AIDE AUX ENTREPRISES POUR L’ACHAT D’ŒUVRES D’ARTISTES VIVANTS EST PROLONGÉE JUSQU'EN 2025. codifiée à l’article 238 bis AB du code général des impôts et rattachée à la loi relative au mécénat dite « Loi Aillagon » du 1er août 2003, cette disposition autorise, sous certaines conditions comptables et sous des conditions de monstration, la déduction des résultats imposables, sur cinq ans, de la somme correspondant au prix d’acquisition des œuvres concernées.Read more -
Preserving works on paper
Claude Viallat, Maison Triolet Aragon
Saint Arnoult en Yvelines (78) 03 SEPT. > 30 NOV. 2022CLAUDE VIALLAT AT THE HOUSE OF ELSA TRIOLET ARAGON 2022 | In 1982, Aragon pinned on the walls of his Parisian apartment the invitation card for Claude Viallat's exhibition at the Pompidou Center. Forty years later, Viallat returns to the walls of Aragon. He declines, in his recent creations, the characteristic motive of his work since 1966 on free canvases (sheets, parasols, polychrome tarpaulins or canvas tents). He thus upsets the traditional system of presentation of the painting.Read more