French painter and sculptor Alain Clément was born in 1941
He lives and works in Nîmes and Paris.
He has been exhibiting at the Oniris gallery since 1993
In Alain Clément's paintings as in his sculptures, it is a falsely "gestural" work, less spontaneous than it seems. All these works are constructed and drawn beforehand, the compositions are not the result of a simple gesture, but of a deep reflection.
In Alain Clément's work, sculpture participates in an evolution of painting: it has not only allowed him to get rid of all illusionism, to reinforce the work of colour, to soften the forms, to make simpler works, with less superimposition of planes, colours... In short, to reinforce the presence of the object-painting, by its frontality, its unity.
I undertake each painting with the hope of one colour. Everything presides over the emergence of this colour, but often it forks, returns to the shade.
Contrary to Greenberg's postulates, Alain Clément cannot conceive a "flat" painting, in painting there is always a depth, a volume. The gesture of writing takes charge of the constitution of the space and as with all great formalists, the form contributes to drawing the background.
Alain Clément does not only propose an abstract formalism, he uses the optical efficiency and clarity of composition to subvert this vocabulary, giving it a relatively expressive and carnal dimension.
In Alain Clément's work, sculpture, not only metaphorically but also materially, comes from painting. The volume is not created from an inert material (wood, stone, earth...), but from the plane and by taking off from the plane. Sculptures, such as those seen in the exhibition, are first of all the object of drawings, gouaches...; the drawings transferred to the sheets of sheet metal constitute the cutting and folding lines of the plate: what was inscribed in the plan becomes volume in space.
In return, sculpture contributes to an evolution of painting: it has not only allowed it to get rid of all illusionism, to reinforce the work of colour, to soften the forms, to make simpler paintings, with less superimposition of planes, colours... In short, to reinforce the presence of the painted object, by its frontality, its unity.
2023 : galerie Oniris, Rennes
2018 : Centre d'Art Contemporain, Châteauvert, Var
2017 : Musée d'Art Moderne, Céret
2016 : Arsenal Musée de Soissons, Soissons
2015 : Nirox Foundation, Johannesburg, Afrique du Sud
Suzhou, Chine
2014 : Maison de la gravure Méditerranée, Castelnau-le-Lez
2012 : Hôtel des Arts, Toulon
Nirox Sculpture Park, Krugersdorp, Afrique du Sud
2011 : galerie Oniris, Rennes
2001 : La Collection, Repères et Inédits, Carré d’Art, Musée d’Art Contemporain, Nîmes
1998 : L’art de la fugue ou le jeu de la vérité ?, Salon-de-Provence
1997 : Carré d’Art, Musée d’Art Contemporain, Nîmes
1996 : Paintings 1980-1995, Centre d’Art Contemporain, Montbeliard
Paintings 1980-1995, Musée d’Art Moderne, Céret
1995 : Paintings 1980-1995, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts, Paris
Paintings 1980-1995, Musée des Jacobins, Morlaix
1988 : Abbaye de Montmajour, Arles
1984 : Château de Jau, Perpignan
1977 : Musée Fabre, Montpellier
Alain CLÉMENTHuile sur toile15D5P, 2015162 x 130 cmMore
Alain CLÉMENTHuile sur toile21MA13P, 2021120 x 120 cmMore
Alain CLÉMENTSculpture en acier peint12 M 9 S, 201280 x 70 x 35 cmMore
Alain CLÉMENTSculpture en acier peint13 F 2 S, 2013-02-01185 x 50 x 6 cmMore
Alain CLÉMENTHuile sur toile11 J 7P, 2011116 x 89 cmMore
Alain CLÉMENTHuile sur toile11 J 8P, 2011116 x 89 cmMore
Alain CLÉMENTHuile sur toile14D2P, 201481 x 100 cmMore
Alain CLÉMENTHuile sur toile17AV6P, 201792 x 73 cmMoreAlain CLÉMENT, 17AV6P, 2017€ 11,500.00
Alain CLÉMENTHuile sur toile20S3P, 202073 x 92 cmMore
Alain CLÉMENTHuile sur toile21MA6P, 202165 x 81 cmMoreAlain CLÉMENT, 21MA6P, 2021€ 10,000.00
Alain CLÉMENTHuile sur toile10 A 28 P, 201055 x 46 cmMoreAlain CLÉMENT, 10 A 28 P, 2010€ 8,000.00
Alain CLÉMENTHuile sur toile21F9P, 202150 x 50 cmMoreAlain CLÉMENT, 21F9P, 2021€ 8,000.00
Alain CLÉMENTHuile sur toile14N26P, 201440 x 40 cmMoreAlain CLÉMENT, 14N26P, 2014€ 6,000.00
Alain CLÉMENTHuile sur toile21F5P, 202138 x 46 cmMore
Alain CLÉMENTHuile sur toile14N32P, 2014diam. 30 cmMoreAlain CLÉMENT, 14N32P, 2014€ 5,000.00
Alain CLÉMENTSculpture en acier peint16FB (1/4) S, 2016-04-0149 x 46 x 17 cmMore
Alain CLÉMENTSculpture en acier peint16FG (1/4) S , 201648.5 x 35 x 16 cmMore
Alain CLÉMENTSculpture en acier peint16FI (1/4) S, 201648.5 x 35 x 16 cmMore
Alain CLÉMENTGouache sur papier14 F 17 A, 201450 x 40 cmMoreAlain CLÉMENT, 14 F 17 A, 2014€ 3,800.00
Alain CLÉMENTGouache sur papier14 F 21 A, 201450 x 40 cmMoreAlain CLÉMENT, 14 F 21 A, 2014€ 3,800.00
Alain CLÉMENTGouache sur papier08 M 3A, 200850 x 33 cmMoreAlain CLÉMENT, 08 M 3A, 2008€ 3,600.00
Alain CLÉMENTGouache sur papier08 M 5A, 200850 x 33 cmMoreAlain CLÉMENT, 08 M 5A, 2008€ 3,600.00
Alain CLÉMENTGouache sur papier17 JA 2 A (Projet d'affiche exposition de Céret), 201766 x 21 cmMoreAlain CLÉMENT, 17 JA 2 A (Projet d'affiche exposition de Céret), 2017€ 3,200.00
Alain CLÉMENTGouache sur papier16 N 1 A, 201630 x 25 cmMoreAlain CLÉMENT, 16 N 1 A, 2016€ 2,100.00
Alain CLÉMENTGouache sur papier16 N 2 A, 201630 x 25 cmMoreAlain CLÉMENT, 16 N 2 A, 2016€ 2,100.00
Alain CLÉMENTGouache sur papier21S18A, 202117 x 17 cmMoreAlain CLÉMENT, 21S18A, 2021€ 2,100.00
Alain CLÉMENTGouache sur papier22OC1A, 202221 x 29,7 cmMoreAlain CLÉMENT, 22OC1A, 2022€ 2,000.00
Alain CLÉMENTGouache sur papier22OC23A, 202221 x 29,7 cmMoreAlain CLÉMENT, 22OC23A, 2022€ 2,000.00
Alain CLÉMENTGouache sur papier22OC2A, 202219,5 x 28,8 cmMoreAlain CLÉMENT, 22OC2A, 2022€ 2,000.00
Alain CLÉMENTGouache sur papier22OC3A, 202221 x 29,7 cmMoreAlain CLÉMENT, 22OC3A, 2022€ 2,000.00
Alain CLÉMENTGouache sur papier22OC4A, 202221 x 29,7 cmMoreAlain CLÉMENT, 22OC4A, 2022€ 2,000.00
Alain CLÉMENTGouache sur papier15 N 13 A, 201522.5 x 25 cmMoreAlain CLÉMENT, 15 N 13 A, 2015€ 1,600.00
Alain CLÉMENTGouache sur papier15 N 7 A, 201523 x 25 cmMoreAlain CLÉMENT, 15 N 7 A, 2015€ 1,600.00
Alain CLÉMENTAquatinte sur papier
Aquatint on paper18 0C 1G, 201866.5 x 50 cmAlain CLÉMENT, 18 0C 1G, 2018€ 700.00 -
Alain CLÉMENTAquatinte sur papier
Aquatint on paper18 0C 2G, 201866.5 x 50 cmAlain CLÉMENT, 18 0C 2G, 2018€ 700.00 -
Alain CLÉMENTAquatinte sur papier
Aquatint on paper17 AV 7 G, 201766 x 51 cmAlain CLÉMENT, 17 AV 7 G, 2017€ 800.00 -
Alain CLÉMENTAquatinte sur papier
Aquatint on paper17 AV 8 G, 201744,5 x 56,5 cmAlain CLÉMENT, 17 AV 8 G, 2017€ 720.00 -
Alain CLÉMENTAquatinte sur papier
Aquatint on paper17 M 1G, 2017100 x 76 cm
Alain CLÉMENT, 17 M 1G, 2017€ 1,400.00 -
Alain CLÉMENTAquatinte sur papier
Aquatint on paper17 M 5G, 2017100 x 76 cmAlain CLÉMENT, 17 M 5G, 2017€ 1,400.00 -
Alain CLÉMENTAquatinte sur papier
Aquatint on paper17 M 6G, 201766 x 50 cmAlain CLÉMENT, 17 M 6G, 2017€ 700.00 -
Alain CLÉMENTAquatinte sur papier
Aquatint on paper17 N 2 G, 2017100 x 75 cmAlain CLÉMENT, 17 N 2 G, 2017€ 1,400.00 -
Alain CLÉMENTAquatinte sur papier
Aquatint on paper17 N 4 G, 2017100 x 75 cmAlain CLÉMENT, 17 N 4 G, 2017€ 1,400.00 -
Alain CLÉMENTAquatinte sur papier
Aquatint on paper15 AV 1 G, 201576 x 56 cmAlain CLÉMENT, 15 AV 1 G, 2015€ 900.00 -
Alain CLÉMENTAquatinte sur papier
Aquatint on paper15 AV 2 G, 201576 x 56 cmAlain CLÉMENT, 15 AV 2 G, 2015€ 900.00 -
Alain CLÉMENTAquatinte sur papier
Aquatint on paper15 AV 3 G, 201576 x 56 cmAlain CLÉMENT, 15 AV 3 G, 2015€ 900.00 -
Alain CLÉMENTAquatinte sur papier
Aquatint on paper15 AV 4 G, 201576 x 56 cmAlain CLÉMENT, 15 AV 4 G, 2015€ 900.00 -
Alain CLÉMENTAquatinte sur papier
Aquatint on paper14 AV 10 G, 201476 x 56 cmAlain CLÉMENT, 14 AV 10 G, 2014€ 900.00 -
Alain CLÉMENTAquatinte sur papier
Aquatint on paper14 AV 11 G, 201476 x 56 cmAlain CLÉMENT, 14 AV 11 G, 2014€ 900.00 -
Alain CLÉMENTAquatinte sur papier
Aquatint on paper14 AV 12 G, 201476 x 56 cmAlain CLÉMENT, 14 AV 12 G, 2014€ 900.00 -
Alain CLÉMENTAquatinte sur papier
Aquatint on paper14 AV 8 G, 201476 x 56 cmAlain CLÉMENT, 14 AV 8 G, 2014€ 900.00 -
Alain CLÉMENTHuile sur toile14D2P, 201481 x 100 cm
Alain CLÉMENTHuile sur toile14S7P, 201465 x 50 cmAlain CLÉMENT, 14S7P, 2014€ 9,000.00
Alain CLÉMENTAquatinte sur papier
Aquatint on paper13 F 1 G, 201366 x 51 cmAlain CLÉMENT, 13 F 1 G, 2013€ 800.00 -
Alain CLÉMENTAquatinte sur papier
Aquatint on paper13 F 2 G, 201366 x 51 cmAlain CLÉMENT, 13 F 2 G, 2013€ 800.00 -
Alain CLÉMENTAquatinte sur papier
Aquatint on paper13 F 3 G, 201366 x 51 cmAlain CLÉMENT, 13 F 3 G, 2013€ 800.00 -
Alain CLÉMENTAquatinte sur papier
Aquatint on paper13 F 4 G, 201366 x 51 cmAlain CLÉMENT, 13 F 4 G, 2013€ 800.00 -
Alain CLÉMENTAquatinte sur papier
Aquatint on paper13 F 5 G, 201366 x 51 cmAlain CLÉMENT, 13 F 5 G, 2013€ 800.00 -
Alain CLÉMENTAquatinte sur papier
Aquatint on paper13 F 6 G, 201366 x 51 cmAlain CLÉMENT, 13 F 6 G, 2013€ 800.00 -
Alain CLÉMENTAquatinte sur papier
Aquatint on paperSans titre, 2013105 x 75 cmAlain CLÉMENT, Sans titre, 2013€ 1,200.00 -
Alain CLÉMENTAquatinte sur papier
Aquatint on paperSans titre, 201375 x 98 cmAlain CLÉMENT, Sans titre, 2013€ 1,200.00 -
Alain CLÉMENTAquatinte sur papier
Aquatint on paperSans titre, 2013105 x 75 cmAlain CLÉMENT, Sans titre, 2013€ 1,200.00 -
Alain CLÉMENTAquatinte sur papier
Aquatint on paperSans titre, 201375 x 98 cmAlain CLÉMENT, Sans titre, 2013€ 1,200.00 -
Alain CLÉMENTAquatinte sur papier
Aquatint on paperSans titre, 200985 x 60 cmAlain CLÉMENT, Sans titre, 2009€ 800.00 -
Alain CLÉMENTAquatinte sur papier
Aquatint on paperSans titre, 200947.5 x 34.5 cmAlain CLÉMENT, Sans titre, 2009€ 700.00 -
Alain CLÉMENTAquatinte sur papier
Aquatint on paperSans titre, 200947.5 x 34.5 cmAlain CLÉMENT, Sans titre, 2009€ 700.00 -
Alain CLÉMENTAquatinte sur papier
Aquatint on paperSans titre, 200947.5 x 34.5 cmAlain CLÉMENT, Sans titre, 2009€ 700.00 -
Alain CLÉMENTAquatinte sur papier
Aquatint on paperSans titre, 200947.5 x 34.5 cmAlain CLÉMENT, Sans titre, 2009€ 700.00 -
Alain CLÉMENTAquatinte sur papier
Aquatint on paperSans titre, 200947.5 x 34.5 cmAlain CLÉMENT, Sans titre, 2009€ 700.00 -
Alain CLÉMENTAquatinte sur papier
Aquatint on paperSans titre, 200947.5 x 34.5 cmAlain CLÉMENT, Sans titre, 2009€ 700.00 -
Alain CLÉMENTSérigraphie sur papier
Silk screen printing on paperSans titre, 200776 x 57.5 cmAlain CLÉMENT, Sans titre, 2007€ 500.00 -
Alain CLÉMENTSérigraphie sur papierSans titre, 14/30, 200776 x 57 cmAlain CLÉMENT, Sans titre, 14/30, 2007Sold
Alain CLÉMENTAquatinte sur papier
Aquatint on paper04 JA 4G, 200434.5 x 24 cmAlain CLÉMENT, 04 JA 4G, 2004€ 470.00 -
Alain CLÉMENTSérigraphie sur papier
Silk screen printing on paperSans titre 2001 Orange, 200176.5 x 57 cmAlain CLÉMENT, Sans titre 2001 Orange, 2001€ 400.00 -
Alain CLÉMENTSérigraphie sur papier
Silk screen printing on paperSans titre 2001 Rouge Bleu, 200176.5 x 56.5 cmAlain CLÉMENT, Sans titre 2001 Rouge Bleu, 2001€ 400.00 -
Alain CLÉMENTSérigraphie sur papier
Silk screen printing on paperSans titre, 199889 x 65 cmAlain CLÉMENT, Sans titre, 1998€ 540.00 -
Alain CLÉMENTAquatinte sur papier
Aquatint on paperSans titre, 199889 x 65 cmAlain CLÉMENT, Sans titre, 1998€ 800.00 -
Alain CLÉMENTAquatinte sur papier
Aquatint on paperSans titre, 199433 x 18 cmAlain CLÉMENT, Sans titre, 1994€ 300.00 -
Alain CLÉMENTAquatinte sur papier
Aquatint on paperSans titre, 199433 x 18 cmAlain CLÉMENT, Sans titre, 1994€ 300.00 -
Alain CLÉMENTAquatinte sur papier
Aquatint on paperSans titre, 199420 x 33 cmAlain CLÉMENT, Sans titre, 1994€ 300.00 -
Alain CLÉMENTAquatinte sur papier
Aquatint on paperSans titre, 199433 x 25 cmAlain CLÉMENT, Sans titre, 1994€ 300.00 -
Alain CLÉMENTAquatinte sur papier
Aquatint on paperSans titre, 199433 x 25 cmAlain CLÉMENT, Sans titre, 1994€ 300.00
Small formats 2024-2025
and works on paper by the gallery's artists 30 November 2024 - 11 January 2025Every year-end the Oniris gallery hosts its traditional exhibition of Petits Formats and Oeuvres sur Papier with a new selection of work by the gallery's artists
.A group show to be discovered at the renovated gallery, from Saturday November 30, 2024 to Saturday January 11, 2025
Alain Clément
recent works 10 February - 18 March 2023 Galerie 1Solo exhibition of recent works by Alain Clément, paintings, sculptures and works on paper to be discovered at Oniris Gallery from February 10 to March 18, 2023Read more -
Oniris - 35 years
Special anniversary exhibition 12 June - 25 September 2021 Galerie 1, Galerie 2Opened in 1986, the Oniris Gallery is pleased to invite you to celebrate its 35th anniversary with an exhibition event during the summer of 2021.Read more
Whether it is a celebration or a family event, it is above all an opportunity to bring together the artists, collectors and enthusiasts who have followed the Oniris gallery project in its successive evolutions for over three decades. -
High in Colors
post-lockdown group exhibition. 12 May - 20 June 2020Oniris Gallery reopened to the public on Tuesday, May 12, 2020 after the initial spring 2020 containment.Read more
On the occasion of this post-containment exhibition entitled "Hauts en couleurs" the selection was made of large format colorful works by the gallery's artists. -
Recent works 29 September - 25 November 2017 Galerie 1This new exhibition at the Oniris gallery presents works that show the close relationship between painting and sculpture that has been a constant in Alain Clément's work for over twenty years.Read more
Alain Clément
donation to the Centre Pompidou early 2025A major donation by painter and sculptor Alain Clément (b. 1941) to the Centre Pompidou. This coherent set of 16 paintings, consisting of 6 canvases and 10 gouaches on paper, covers all the periods of his work on canvas and paper from the 70s until last year. Nîmes artist Alain Clément lives and works in Nîmes and Paris. His work has been regularly exhibited at Galerie Oniris since 1993. His last exhibition of recent work at Galerie Oniris in Rennes dates from 2023.Read more -
3 more years!
for helping French companies purchase works by living artists Till 31 dec. 2025L’AIDE AUX ENTREPRISES POUR L’ACHAT D’ŒUVRES D’ARTISTES VIVANTS EST PROLONGÉE JUSQU'EN 2025. codifiée à l’article 238 bis AB du code général des impôts et rattachée à la loi relative au mécénat dite « Loi Aillagon » du 1er août 2003, cette disposition autorise, sous certaines conditions comptables et sous des conditions de monstration, la déduction des résultats imposables, sur cinq ans, de la somme correspondant au prix d’acquisition des œuvres concernées.Read more -
Preserving works on paper