French artist Yves Popet was born in 1946 in Reims
He lives and works in Paris
He has been exhibiting at the Oniris gallery since 2010
For more than thirty years, Yves Popet has borrowed a number of elements from concrete art in his work through techniques, formal compositions, such as the use of the square, and in colours.
I have refined my work to the point of having only a straight, horizontal, vertical line in a square.
Far from searching for any meaning in the choice of the square, but also in the choice of its colours, Yves Popet proposes here a reflection on this form and the balance it establishes. This reflection then gives rise to real games. In these colourful games, the shape is imposing by its simplicity. Yves Popet shows us how, starting from the simplest possible form, multiple variations may appear.
Starting from his hand-applied pastels, which combine contemporary formal research and ancient techniques, he then creates colourful associations: in the pastels and then in the canvases, any colour agreement is possible. Colour seems to construct the works and sets up compositions that make it materially present. Thus, the contrasts created open up the space and diversify it.
Little attracted by pure monochrome, the artist associates one coloured surface to another, provoking pictorial oppositions that bring movement. The dynamics in the square caused by different kinds of horizontal and vertical cuts, the colours laid down in saturated solid areas, which seem apparently smooth, as well as the edges of the painted pictures, extend the canvas and propose an expansive dimension, inviting our imagination to continue the construction. The surfaces, which are flat at the base, have a full volume rendering and become mobile.
2024 : exposition personnelle, Galerie Oniris, Rennes
2020 : Art Paris au Grand-Palais, stand Oniris
2018 : Pastels 1991 – 2017, Galerie Bernard Chauveau / Galerie 8+4, Paris
2016 : März Galerie (avec Françoise Malaprade), Mannheim (Allemagne).
Galerie Louis Gendre, Chamalières
2015 : Galerie Lahumière (avec D. Pondruel), Paris.
Galerie Oniris, Rennes.
2013 : Art Karlsruhe, stand Oniris, Karlsruhe, Allemagne
Art Paris, Grand-Palais, stand Oniris
2012 : exposition personnelle, Galerie Oniris, Rennes
2010 : Art Paris au Grand-Palais, stand Oniris
Géométrie et Couleurs, Musée de Sens
exposition personnelle, Galerie Oniris, Rennes
2008 : L’arte costruisce l’Europa, Desenzano del Garda, Italie
Exemplifizieren wird Kunst, Ludwig Museum, Koblenz, Allemagne
2007 : Exemplifizieren wird Kunst, Vasarely Museum de Budapest, Hongrie
2006 : Horizontales Verticales Seules, Musée Tavet-Delatour, Pontoise
2003 : L’abstraction géométrique vécue, musée Municipal, Cambrai
Yves POPETAcrylique sur toileXl , 2006100 x 100 cmMore
Yves POPETAcrylique sur toileI, 201280 x 80 cmMore
Yves POPETAcrylique sur toileXIV, 200980 x 80 cmMore
Yves POPETPastel sec sur papierVII , 200656 x 56 cmMore
Yves POPETPastel sec sur papierXXIV , 201056 x 56 cmMore
Yves POPETAcrylique sur toileXXIX, 201360 x 60 cmMore
Yves POPETAcrylique sur toileXXVI, 201260 x 60 cmMore
Yves POPETAcrylique sur toileIV , 200440 x 40 cmMoreYves POPET, IV , 2004€ 3,000.00
Yves POPETAcrylique sur toile marouflée sur boisIX, 201740 x 40 cmMoreYves POPET, IX, 2017€ 3,000.00
Yves POPETAcrylique sur toile marouflée sur boisXI , 201740 x 40 cmMoreYves POPET, XI , 2017€ 3,000.00
Yves POPETAcrylique sur toileXXXI, 200740 x 40 cmMoreYves POPET, XXXI, 2007€ 3,000.00
Yves POPETAcrylique sur toileXXXVII , 200240 x 40 cmMore
Yves POPETPastel sec sur papierIII, 202237.5 x 37.5 cmMore
Yves POPETPastel sec sur papierIX, 202037.5 x 37.5 cmMoreYves POPET, IX, 2020€ 2,600.00
Yves POPETPastel sec sur papierLIX , 199237.5 x 37.5 cmMore
Yves POPETPastel sec sur papierX, 202037.5 x 37.5 cmMoreYves POPET, X, 2020€ 2,600.00
Yves POPETPastel sec sur papierXI, 201937.5 x 37.5 cmMoreYves POPET, XI, 2019€ 2,600.00
Yves POPETPastel sec sur papierXX, 202137.5 x 37.5 cmMoreYves POPET, XX, 2021€ 2,600.00
Yves POPETPastel sec sur papierXL, 201737.5 x 37.5 cmMoreYves POPET, XL, 2017€ 2,500.00
Yves POPETPastel sec sur papierXLII, 201337.5 x 37.5 cmMoreYves POPET, XLII, 2013€ 2,500.00
Yves POPETPastel sec sur papierXXIII, 201737.5 x 37.5 cmMoreYves POPET, XXIII, 2017€ 2,500.00
Yves POPETPastel sec sur papierXXIX, 201737.5 x 37.5 cmMore
Yves POPETPastel sec sur papierXXVI , 201037.5 x 37.5 cmMore
Yves POPETPastel sec sur papierXXXIX, 201337.5 x 37.5 cmMore
Yves POPETPastel sec sur papierXXXVI, 201737.5 x 37.5 cmMore
Yves POPETCraie sur acryliqueX, 202137.5 x 37.5 cmMore
Yves POPETCraie sur acryliqueXIV, 202137.5 x 37.5 cmMore
Yves POPETCraie sur acryliqueXVI, 202137.5 x 37.5 cmMoreYves POPET, XVI, 2021€ 2,400.00
Yves POPETCraie sur papierXXV, 201828 x 28 cmMoreYves POPET, XXV, 2018€ 1,800.00
Yves POPETAcrylique sur toileXLVII, 201020 x 20 cmMoreYves POPET, XLVII, 2010€ 1,500.00
Yves POPETAcrylique sur toileXXXIV , 199520 x 20 cmMoreYves POPET, XXXIV , 1995€ 1,500.00
Yves POPETSérigraphie sur papierSans titre, 201437.5 x 37.5 cmYves POPET, Sans titre, 2014€ 400.00
Yves POPETSérigraphie sur papierSans titre, 201437.5 x 37.5 cmYves POPET, Sans titre, 2014€ 400.00
Yves POPETSérigraphie sur papierSans titre, 201337.5 x 37.5 cmYves POPET, Sans titre, 2013€ 400.00
Yves POPETSérigraphie sur papierSans titre, 201337.5 x 37.5 cmYves POPET, Sans titre, 2013€ 400.00
Yves POPETSérigraphie sur papierSans titre, 201337.5 x 37.5 cmYves POPET, Sans titre, 2013€ 400.00
Yves POPETSérigraphie sur papierSans titre, 201337.5 x 37.5 cmYves POPET, Sans titre, 2013€ 400.00
Yves POPETSérigraphie sur papierSans titre, 201221 x 21 cmYves POPET, Sans titre, 2012€ 230.00
Yves POPETSérigraphie sur papierSans titre, 200656 x 56 cmYves POPET, Sans titre, 2006€ 600.00
Yves POPETSérigraphie sur papierSans titre, 200656 x 56 cmYves POPET, Sans titre, 2006€ 600.00
Yves POPETSérigraphie sur papierSans titre, 200656 x 56 cmYves POPET, Sans titre, 2006€ 600.00
Yves POPETSérigraphie sur papierSans titre, 199656 x 56 cmYves POPET, Sans titre, 1996€ 600.00
Yves POPETSérigraphie sur papierSans titre55 x 55 cmYves POPET, Sans titre€ 600.00
Small formats 2024-2025
and works on paper by the gallery's artists 30 November 2024 - 11 January 2025Every year-end the Oniris gallery hosts its traditional exhibition of Petits Formats and Oeuvres sur Papier with a new selection of work by the gallery's artists
.A group show to be discovered at the renovated gallery, from Saturday November 30, 2024 to Saturday January 11, 2025
Yves Popet
Recent works 9 February - 30 March 2024 Galerie 1In the spring of 2024, Yves Popet is back at Oniris gallery to present a selection of paintings and dry pastels created between 2016 and 2024.
To be discovered at the gallery in Rennes from 09 February to 30 March 2024
Oniris - 35 years
Special anniversary exhibition 12 June - 25 September 2021 Galerie 1, Galerie 2Opened in 1986, the Oniris Gallery is pleased to invite you to celebrate its 35th anniversary with an exhibition event during the summer of 2021.Read more
Whether it is a celebration or a family event, it is above all an opportunity to bring together the artists, collectors and enthusiasts who have followed the Oniris gallery project in its successive evolutions for over three decades.
Hommage à la France
Museum Ritter (Germany) May 5 - September 15, 2024The Hommage à la France exhibition is devoted to the different approaches to concrete art in France, as reflected in the Marli Hoppe-Ritter collection. While the bulk of the exhibition is devoted to paintings, these are accompanied by object-paintings, lumino-kinetic works and installations. Exhibition from May 5 to September 15, 2024Read more -
3 more years!
for helping French companies purchase works by living artists Till 31 dec. 2025L’AIDE AUX ENTREPRISES POUR L’ACHAT D’ŒUVRES D’ARTISTES VIVANTS EST PROLONGÉE JUSQU'EN 2025. codifiée à l’article 238 bis AB du code général des impôts et rattachée à la loi relative au mécénat dite « Loi Aillagon » du 1er août 2003, cette disposition autorise, sous certaines conditions comptables et sous des conditions de monstration, la déduction des résultats imposables, sur cinq ans, de la somme correspondant au prix d’acquisition des œuvres concernées.Read more -
Preserving works on paper